15 Air Freight Container Types

  1. Type of  Containers used for Air Freight:

The above types are classified by IATA (International Air Transport Association) as (ULD) Unit Load Devices ID Codes:

  1. AAA: Loading on aircraft type: Narrow body main deck, wide body main deck of Airplane of B727, B737, size:- 2235 X 3175 X 2000 MM, maximum gross weight is 6033 Kgs.
  1. AAX: Loading on aircraft type: Wide body main deck as B767, size:- 2235 X 3175 X 2438 MM, maximum gross weight is 6033 Kgs.
  1. AAD: Loading on aircraft type: Wide body main deck as B767, size:- 2235 X 3175 X 2438 MM, maximum gross weight 6033 Kgs.
  1. AMJ: Loading on aircraft type: Wide body main deck as B767, size:- 2438 X 3175 2438 MM, maximum gross weight 6804 Kgs.
  1. AMD: Loading on aircraft type: Wide body main deck as B747, size:- 2438 X 3175 X 2997 MM, maximum gross weight 6804 Kgs.
  1. ABC: Loading on aircraft type: Narrow body main deck as Convair, size:- 2235 X 2743 X 1604 MM, maximum gross weight 3629 Kgs.
  1. AAY: Loading on aircraft type: Narrow body main deck, wide body main deck as B757, B767, size:- 2235 X 3175 X 2051 MM, maximum gross weight 6033 Kgs.
  1. AMX: Loading on wide body main deck aircraft as B777, size:- 2438 X 3175 X 2997 MM, maximum gross weight 6804 Kgs.
  1. AML: Used to load on aircraft type: Wide body main deck as B777, size:- 2438 X 3175 X 2946 MM, maximum gross weight 6804 Kgs.
  1. SAA: Used to load on aircraft type: Narrow body main deck, wide body main deck as B757, size:- 2235 X 3175 X 2021 MM, maximum gross weight 6033 Kgs.
  1. ALP: Loading aircraft type: Wide body lower deck as B747, size:- 1534 X 3175 X 1626 MM, maximum gross weight 3175 Kgs.
  1. AMP: Used to load on aircraft type: Wide body lower deck as B747, size:- 2438 X 3175 X 1626 MM, maximum gross weight 6804 Kgs.
  1. APE: Loading on aircraft type: Wide body lower deck as B767, size:- 1534 X 1194 X 1626 MM, maximum gross weight 1225 Kgs.
  1. AQF: Used to load on aircraft of the type: Wide body lower deck as B767, size:- 1534 X 2438 X 1626 MM, maximum gross weight 2449 Kgs.
  1. AKE: Loading on aircraft type: Wide body lower deck as B747, B777, size:- 1534 X 1562 X 1626 MM, maximum gross weight 1588 Kgs.

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He works in the shipping and supply chain field with more than 30 years in shipping line agencies, logistics & and freight forwarding, equipped with bachelor’s degree in Maritime Transport “Marine Economics & Management”. Offering excellent managerial with focusing eye skills to deliver outstanding results for the highest level of organizations.

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Issa Al Fraij

He works in the shipping and supply chain field with more than 30 years in shipping line agencies, logistics & and freight forwarding, equipped with bachelor’s degree in Maritime Transport “Marine Economics & Management”. Offering excellent managerial with focusing eye skills to deliver outstanding results for the highest level of organizations.

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